Imagine- A holiday where you unwrap present after present. Eat tons of delicious food, while spending time with your family. The snow glistening on the ground, and driving around at night to see the illuminated streets. There’s good news. It’s called Christmas.
To tell you the truth, in my opinion this is my favorite holiday. I love Christmas. One of my favorite things to do is when my family and I are in the car driving anywhere, the Christmas carols are blasting. There are so many different songs, and they all can put me in a different mood. Some are about the beautiful weather, and some about being together. Some are even about being home for the holidays.
Another thing I enjoy is putting up the Christmas tree. The tree is pretty much the centerpiece of the room, and when the lights turn on I can always tell that Santa will be coming soon. Looking through the bins of ornaments is like going on a ride down memory lane. All the “Baby’s first Christmas” ones are still shiny like when we got them.
Gingerbread Cookies- What’s not to like? Every year my cousins and I go to my grandma’s to cook. Not only the gingerbreads, but snowmen, trees, and many other fun shapes. The frosting is pretty good too. Usually, we put Red Hots on for the face. After we are done cooking and the cookies are cool, we separate them into separate bags of either the ones we made, or the ones we just want to take home.
Christmas day is a lot of fun. My little brother and sisters wake up very early. Sometimes even at five in the morning! When my parents are finally up and have coffee, we see what Santa brought us. I love seeing my siblings’ eyes light up as they open every gift. After a while, my Aunt Colleen and cousins come over. They usually bring over their favorite gifts, and we show them ours. I love spending Christmas day with them.