Summer is the best season. From the first day of school in September to the last day of school in June, summer is all I can look forward to.
During the summer, there is nothing to worry about. No homework, teachers, or catching the bus. The only thing that I’m required to do is put on sun screen so I don’t get a sun burn.
The best place to be is Irish Hills. In our two bedroom cottage, we usually fit around twenty people. Some camp out in the back, some sleep in their cars. The pontoon is our main way of transportation, other than our flip flops or bare feet. By the end of the three month vacation, my feet are as tan as the sidewalk. My aunt brings her large, plastic raft called Paradise Island that reeks of sun screen and lake water. That’s the usual tanning spot. We swim out to the large, wooden raft where we do backflips and cannon ball in after soaking in the sun for a few minutes. Sometimes we catch minnows from the dock and even fish.
The nights are the best part. Every night, no matter what there is a bonfire. We roast marshmallows, talk around the fire, and sometimes light off fireworks. Our music is always blaring, and there Is always excitement. All the little kids tell stories. Sometimes about lake monsters, and sometimes just about nothing.
In the summer, there is no sense of time. The only clock is inside, and I’m rarely there. I can never tell whether it is Saturday or Thursday. I’m either sitting on the boat, walking around, watching the bonfire, or listening to loud music with friends and family. I really like boatrides, especially when we go really fast. It’s almost a rush, because I feel like I could fall off.
Sometimes we go fishing. I like fishing, but I usually get bored because it takes so long. Once, I caught a two foot Pike! Of course it was too big for us to keep, but I was very proud of myself.
During the summer, there is nothing to worry about. No homework, teachers, or catching the bus. The only thing that I’m required to do is put on sun screen so I don’t get a sun burn.
The best place to be is Irish Hills. In our two bedroom cottage, we usually fit around twenty people. Some camp out in the back, some sleep in their cars. The pontoon is our main way of transportation, other than our flip flops or bare feet. By the end of the three month vacation, my feet are as tan as the sidewalk. My aunt brings her large, plastic raft called Paradise Island that reeks of sun screen and lake water. That’s the usual tanning spot. We swim out to the large, wooden raft where we do backflips and cannon ball in after soaking in the sun for a few minutes. Sometimes we catch minnows from the dock and even fish.
The nights are the best part. Every night, no matter what there is a bonfire. We roast marshmallows, talk around the fire, and sometimes light off fireworks. Our music is always blaring, and there Is always excitement. All the little kids tell stories. Sometimes about lake monsters, and sometimes just about nothing.
In the summer, there is no sense of time. The only clock is inside, and I’m rarely there. I can never tell whether it is Saturday or Thursday. I’m either sitting on the boat, walking around, watching the bonfire, or listening to loud music with friends and family. I really like boatrides, especially when we go really fast. It’s almost a rush, because I feel like I could fall off.
Sometimes we go fishing. I like fishing, but I usually get bored because it takes so long. Once, I caught a two foot Pike! Of course it was too big for us to keep, but I was very proud of myself.