Haunted houses- the best thing about halloween. (Besides the free candy.)
A few weekends ago, i went to Pontiac with my friend Addie. We went out dinner with her mom and sisters, and after we went to two haunted houses.
The first that we went to, Erabus, was the best I’ve ever been. Even though I’d already been there twice, once each year before, everything felt like new. Every year it gets more and more props and added on. The whole thing contains around 65 rooms, and all the actors in it have on Hollywood style makeup.
When we got there, we had to wait in a twenty minute line. It wasn’t too bad. After we waited in line outside, then we had to go inside and wait some more. While we were inside, there was a video projector playing crazy music and showing old, scary videos. There were actors dressed up as zombies crawling all over the floor, brushing against our legs and other peoples’ trying to scare us. All the commotion was just adding on how excited we were. Finally, when we gave them our tickets they let us in. we had to go up a flight of stairs and we were there. They had recorded videos of a fake news show trying to make us think that there was a killer in the building. They led us from room to room, elevator to elevator, monster to monster. At one part, it a piece of the floor was lit up to make it seem like we were on a bridge. Addie’s sister kept pulling on my sweatshirt because she thought she was going to fall off. There were robotic dinosaurs, zombies, and a tunnel that made it seem like we were going to fall on to the ceiling. Whoever thought of everything in that haunted house is a genious.
By the time we got out, we were out of breath from walking to fast. We had the option to buy things, but we passed them up. Once we got back in the car, we decided to go to another one that was only a few moments away.
After we parked, we got to Realm of Darkness. We weren’t sure how good it was going to be, but by the look of the long line, it seemed okay. To pass the time of getting in we played i-spy, and other little games like rock paper scissors. We were in line for an hour, and no one was happy. Once we were in, we figured out that this one was a waste of time. The things they had in it were interesting, but nothing was really scary. They had a window that lit up like it was storming outside, a fake bridge, a room that looked like it was from the ring with a well in it, but nothing that made anyone scream. When we got out, a man chased us with a chainsaw. That was the best part of that one. But in the end, I was happy with my Friday night.
A few weekends ago, i went to Pontiac with my friend Addie. We went out dinner with her mom and sisters, and after we went to two haunted houses.
The first that we went to, Erabus, was the best I’ve ever been. Even though I’d already been there twice, once each year before, everything felt like new. Every year it gets more and more props and added on. The whole thing contains around 65 rooms, and all the actors in it have on Hollywood style makeup.
When we got there, we had to wait in a twenty minute line. It wasn’t too bad. After we waited in line outside, then we had to go inside and wait some more. While we were inside, there was a video projector playing crazy music and showing old, scary videos. There were actors dressed up as zombies crawling all over the floor, brushing against our legs and other peoples’ trying to scare us. All the commotion was just adding on how excited we were. Finally, when we gave them our tickets they let us in. we had to go up a flight of stairs and we were there. They had recorded videos of a fake news show trying to make us think that there was a killer in the building. They led us from room to room, elevator to elevator, monster to monster. At one part, it a piece of the floor was lit up to make it seem like we were on a bridge. Addie’s sister kept pulling on my sweatshirt because she thought she was going to fall off. There were robotic dinosaurs, zombies, and a tunnel that made it seem like we were going to fall on to the ceiling. Whoever thought of everything in that haunted house is a genious.
By the time we got out, we were out of breath from walking to fast. We had the option to buy things, but we passed them up. Once we got back in the car, we decided to go to another one that was only a few moments away.
After we parked, we got to Realm of Darkness. We weren’t sure how good it was going to be, but by the look of the long line, it seemed okay. To pass the time of getting in we played i-spy, and other little games like rock paper scissors. We were in line for an hour, and no one was happy. Once we were in, we figured out that this one was a waste of time. The things they had in it were interesting, but nothing was really scary. They had a window that lit up like it was storming outside, a fake bridge, a room that looked like it was from the ring with a well in it, but nothing that made anyone scream. When we got out, a man chased us with a chainsaw. That was the best part of that one. But in the end, I was happy with my Friday night.
wow fascinating i love it great writer
ReplyDeletegreat job
ReplyDeletewhen your explaining what happening, it feels like i can pisture it because its in such good detail. Good job and keep it up chloe
ReplyDeleteThis blog scared the beejeebees out of me because I'm a fraidy cat, and because you're such a descriptive writer;)
ReplyDeleteGreat job! It was too bad that it was a waste of time by not being scary. I was looking forward to experience the same scare.
ReplyDeleteNice blog Chloe, I like how you would describe something then say what you thought about it. It makes me want to go to a haunted house now <33333.
ReplyDeleteVery good writing Chloe I liked how you described everything
ReplyDeleteScary picture, well descibed!